The pain of love, we must all learn
That in the shadows of our heart
Where joy and happiness dance
Passions can also burn
Love … Read the rest
The pain of love, we must all learn
That in the shadows of our heart
Where joy and happiness dance
Passions can also burn
Love … Read the rest
A shadow cast by fear
My voice is silent
Words stay in my heart
Every time you appear
How can I make you see
When … Read the rest
Love is like falling leaves from a tree
Each leaf a memory, a fleeting touch
That flutters down like kisses in the air
Dancing upon … Read the rest
On a quiet house, in a quiet town
Night settles in casting its shadows
Yet on a wall hangs a heart of light
So all … Read the rest
Hidden away from the bustling crowds
Under a sunny sky and cotton wool clouds
Lies a quiet lake of crystal clear water
Where the grass … Read the rest
The angels cried when our love died
A love so pure, so ripped apart
Their tears fell like rain from heaven
Filling the hole in … Read the rest
Beneath the September moon’s soft glow
The market town turned to sleep
Cheshire Street where people meet and stories flow
Is empty and quiet, awaiting … Read the rest
Down the pipe of life
A journey into secrets
Into the twists and turns of our existence
And every step is an adventure
The pipe … Read the rest
Darling, I will love you anyway
In your darkest night
Or your brightest day
Come what may I will love you anyway
When you fall … Read the rest
In a fireplace adorned with sunflowers standing tall
Candles flicker, dancing shadows on the wall
Their glow like stars in the evening sky
Sending out … Read the rest